More books and most of the best come forth in the autumn.
名作英译部分The spider can come forth and talk business upon its own terms.
辞典例句She had come forth the winner.
辞典例句When I call your name, you will come forth.
当我叫到你的名字, 你就走上前来.
互联网This is necessary as Terra's further ascension could not come forth otherwise.
互联网Come forth if you still haunt this place, damned being!
如果你还在这儿出没, 现身吧!该死的东西!
互联网With the advent of knowledge economy high - tech enterprises come forth continuously.
互联网Certainly, more and more new plastics will come forth before long.
当然, 不久会有越来越多的塑料制品被生产出来.
互联网Burst your sheath, my heart, and come forth!
冲破你的襁褓, 我的心啊, 出来吧!
互联网Beauty of Venus, come forth this day.
互联网Come forth into the light of things.
互联网Come forth, coward, and answer for your crimes!
向前来, 胆小鬼, 来为伱旳罪行辩护!
互联网The problem did not come forth.
互联网As such dissonance is healed, the opportunity for a recovery can come forth.
当这样的冲突被疗愈, 痊愈的良机会展现.
互联网Why did I not die at birth , Come forth from the womb and expire?
11我为何不出母胎而死, 不出母腹而绝气?
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